Umami….the fifth taste. It is directly connected to the brains pleasure center. Want to know why everyone loves pizza? Tomatoes & cheese are major triggers of umami. Add mushrooms & you have an umami trifecta! Mother’s milk is filled with umami, fat & sugar… you understand that blissful look on baby’s face! MSG is the umami taste.
Foods high in umami are: green peas & beans, legumes, red meat, chicken, seafood [especially crab], beans, tomatoes, mushrooms, cheese [especially parmesan].
My advice……if there is a vegetable that is really good for you that you find just tolerable, add a little MSG to it & you’ll probably love it! Spaghetti squash or Brussel sprouts with butter & parmesan!
Legumes….beans, peas & lentils, oh my!
Only in 2004 did they test the 100 most common fruits & vegetables & the TOP 4 IN ANTIOXIDANTS WERE ALL LEGUMES! Highest to lowest in ranking: 1) Lentils 2) Black Lentils 3) Red Kidney Beans 4) Yellow peas 5) Chick Peas. Navy beans have the most fiber.
Eat 4 servings weekly to effectively guard against: heart diseases, obesity, cancer, digestive diseases.
Use the liquid. Pressure cooking best. Let sit in their liquid one hour after cooking to re-absorb nutrients leached into cooking liquid.
Canned Kidney & Pinto beans have a higher ORAC value than blueberries, red wine, red cabbage, spinach & green tea. What’s ORAC? Trust me, it means it a super food.
Edamame: Soy Beans They have ALL the amino acids & are NOT GMO! Buy whole with pods.
½ Cup has 5 grams of fiber, 10 grams of protein, vitamin K, folate, Manganese. Brain food plus!
Buy frozen, steam, sprinkle with seas salt & suck them out of the pods for a delicious, healthy snack.
Edamame Dip: sauté inside beans w/crushed garlic, splash of soy, puree w/lemon, top w/cilantro.